Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Shop M.Mariska

Since some of you possess coupons, we are offering a special sale to coupon holders until the end of the month. For each customer that spends over $50, you receive an extra 15% discount off of any item in stock or from passed collections. Please take advantage of the sales while they last...

Here is the link to shop: http://themmariskacollection.bigcartel.com

To inquire about other products we have on sale, please email: melissaburrowes@gmail.com

Yung Mon{y

When it all started.....me at 19

Get Me Bodied

MTA- Going Your Way

Genisis- Circa 2008

These Shall be mine for Christmas

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Bruno Mars - Grenade [Official Music Video]

This is by far the slowest Tuesday I have ever experienced. But here is a little musicality for you guys....

Kanye West's MONSTER ft. Jay-Z, Nicki Minaj, Rick Ross and Bon Iver

A Sneak Peek Into The Spring Collection...

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Make The Dough Girls Go Crazy

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Spring Preview

M.Mariska 2011 Spring Collection Preview Of What's Up Next

Thursday, September 23, 2010


So now that fashion week is over, we have people killing themselves to get the latest fashions so they can be hip and trendy...but at the M.Mariska collection, instead of mobbing the stores, we hosted a contest titled: "Pretty Girl Swagg". During that time, contestants wrote into explaining why they think they  got swag and why they believe they deserved to win a swag bag. So the votes have been tallied, checked and double checked. And we are proud to announce our winners:

Kae-Lani Outlaw
Olamide Anike Awe
Brittania Deandra Lee Escalona
Kieva Mitchell

We wanted to include everyone in the festivities, so here is a few of the highlights from the contest....

-Side view of one of the swagg bags we gave away-

-A collage of some of the goodies-

-Mini Make-Up Clutch/ Wallet-

-Chunky Tied Necklace-

-Vintage Clip On's-

-Convertible Cufflinks/ Clip On Earrings/ Necklace Trio-

More Pics to come..... 

If you are interested in purchasing any of these items, email m.mariskastyle@yahoo.com or melissaburrowes@yahoo.com

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fashions's Night Out

September 10th, 2010 Marked an evening of elegance and style. And You Best believe M.Mariska was apart of the festivities. Here are a few images from the evening....
